Improve Your Instagram Strategy with This Mindset Shift

Are you staring at your Instagram feed wondering what you should post next? Let me show you how to improve your Instagram strategy with this mindset shift.

In the past few weeks I have really tried to be more active on social. If I want to grow my business and connect with other creatives, Instagram is where it’s at. I’ve had 90% of my inquiries and leads come through IG. And actually, I just got off a call with a service provider who messaged me 5 minutes ago on IG. There are real live people out there, hungry for the services we can offer.

So anyways, here I am, knowing that I need to stay active on IG to engage with my ideal clients. But what should I be posting? I get stuck with what I should say and wonder, what do people want to hear about from me?

Here’s the thing I’ve realized about trying to develop a social content plan: your website comes first.

Wait, what? I thought we were talking about social here …

We are. But social is a place to share something, and most of the time, that something should exist on your website.

What’s Yours, Theirs, and Ours

Your Social: Not Your Turf or Your Audience

The truth is, your social media profiles and followers are on a territory that you don’t own. Zuckerberg owns Facebook and IG, Dorsey owns Twitter, Spiegel owns Snapchat, and all of the user data of said platforms, respectively. At any point your social profiles can be disabled, hacked, or deleted, and the audience you’ve worked years to grow can be gone overnight.

Your Website: Your Turf

On the flip side, your business website that you paid to develop, host, and park at a custom domain is a piece of the internet that you own. Any content you develop should reside on your website, and then your social profiles can point back to it. This way you can track page views and other valuable website analytics. And your audience is always driven to a space of the web that you control and own.

Your Email List: Your Audience

By converting your social followers to get on your email list, whether in exchange for an e-newsletter, free content, or discounts, you have now received a valuable piece of contact information that will keep you connected with your audience even without your social profiles.

(To err on the side of caution, it’d be a good idea to download and back-up your email lists regularly, just in case your email provider has a glitch!)

How to Improve Your Instagram Strategy: Add Value to Your Website & Link to It

So the next time you need social post ideas, think about what pieces of value you can add to your website for your ideal clients.

  • Can you create a lead magnet and add it into an existing page or pop-up?

  • What is a valuable article you can add to your blog that addresses a common problem your customers face?

  • If you want to promote your products or services, is your landing page copy for that offer ready to convert viewers?

And my favorite free tool to add links to my IG profile is

Content creation overwhelm? Let me help you create valuable content for your website. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation here.


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