5 Reasons to hire a copywriter for your website refresh

You are about to embark on the grand, rewarding, and, let’s face it, grueling journey of redoing your website. Congrats!? While you’re probably busy dreaming up big plans for your new site (flashy fade-in text and built in quizzes, let me guess?) as well as assembling your dream team—namely a web designer—you should seriously consider hiring a professional website copywriter as well.

Taking the writing load off of your plate will save you time, effort, and some serious headache—not to mention validate, by an expert, some of your existing ideas for site content.

My New Site Will Look Awesome, Isn’t That Enough?

Right now you’re probably thinking about how you want your new website to look and function. And, to be honest, that is the super fun part about redoing your website! But while the visual side of things is usually what sparks a redesign project, you really need to start with the words. You should design your site around what you want to communicate, not the other way around. Most importantly, your website homework starts with nailing down your strategic messaging.

Pretty websites don’t sell things. Words sell things.

Donald Miller, Marketing Made Simple.

Determining the Value of Your Existing Site Content

If you’re considering copy and pasting all of your existing page content to your new site, take a moment here to pause and analyze if your current website messaging is as strong as it can be.

Below are some questions for you to consider as you think about your existing site content:

  • Are people finding your website organically through search engine traffic?

  • Is your messaging captivating viewers or are they bouncing off your site saying, “meh”?

  • Are you speaking directly to your ideal clients in ways that resonate with them?

  • Is your site cold and transactional, or are you connecting emotionally with viewers?

  • Do your ideal clients feel like you “get them” after reading your website copy?

  • Is your website a 24/7 sales tool and a lead-generating funnel, closing sales for you while you sleep?

  • Or is your website just a digitized, static, old-school brochure?

If you know you need to rewrite your webpage content and, man, that seems pretty daunting, you aren’t alone. Without a doubt, writing quality web copy is no small task, especially for those unfamiliar with how to do so.

Still on the fence about whether to enlist the help of a professional writer or do-it-yourself? Let’s jump into some reasons why you may want to outsource it.

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Website Copywriter for Your New Website

  1. We’ll spend less time writing than you will.
    Even if you know what you want to say and choose to do-it-yourself, it will likely take you more time to craft your copy than a professional writer. Most entrepreneurs are not experts in crafting strategic website copy. Sure, while you can take the time to research copywriting strategies and teach yourself, you’d certainly be more productive spending your time working in your business.

  2. We’ll speak your customers’ language.
    Sometimes we are too close to our passions to be able to describe them fully. As a result, I think a lot of business owners overcomplicate what they do and why it’s important because they live and breathe it everyday.

    Whereas, as an outside third party, we can pinpoint exactly what it is you do in simple language and why others should care. Hiring a writer to help you talk like your audience, to your audience, will draw people in naturally.

  3. We have proven frameworks to know what to write and where.
    Throwing together some words on your screen and hoping for the best does not create high-converting, strategic website copy.

    Copywriters follow strategic content formulas to describe what you do, the problems your customers are facing, and how they can be transformed after doing business with you, to describe a few sections.

    This type of writing is grounded in psychology and the way humans are wired to make decisions. For example, people need to understand things from multiple angles and given enough detail to quell their concerns, but not too much that they get overwhelmed with information overload and get turned off from actually purchasing from you. Sounds easy, right?

  4. We’ll make sure the content is final.
    Tell your web designer or developer that you’re working with a professional website copywriter and they will be relieved. Nothing makes their job harder than a client who sends them revision after revision to the website copy that they swore everyone proofed (anyone else guilty?).

    By working with a professional website copywriter, you’ll be confident in the content for your new website and won’t be requesting changes last minute because we will work through your messaging strategy well in advance.

  5. We’ll help you hone in your brand messaging that will stretch far beyond just your website.
    If you’ve been struggling to define your brand and your messaging strategy (think brand voice, brand values, brand words, brand tone) and even who your ideal audience is, working with a writer will take you on a discovery journey to solidify all of those crucial elements to marketing your business. You’ll be able to use the language from your website on all of your other marketing materials.

Whether or not you hire a professional website copywriter, I hope this helped you prepare for the important task that lays ahead: writing strategic website copy that attracts your ideal client!

Ready to hire a website copywriter? Schedule your free 15-minute consultation here.


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